Certified Hypnosis Instructor
American Council of Hypnotic Examiners
National Guild of Hypnotists
Over two decades of full-time private practice in Chicago
If you simply want to book an appointment now, you can at any time with the online appointment scheduler. It’s fast. Easy. And convenient. There’s no telephone tag. No delays. You can see my schedule at a glance, and reserve the date and time that is most convenient for you.
If this is your first appointment, use the First Appointment option. For subsequent sessions, click on the Regular Hypnosis Session options. Even if you schedule an appointment online, I would still be happy to speak with you if you have any further questions.
Note: The online system requires a credit card to reserve your appointment, but you will not be charged anything until your appointment time. At the time of your appointment, you may pay by cash, check, or another credit card if you prefer.
48-hour Cancellation Policy: A 48-hour cancellation policy is in effect for all sessions. In the event you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please do it online within the 48 hour cancellation period to avoid being charged in full for the session. Your session time is a contract between us, and it is reserved for you. Others who could have used the session could not book that date/time, and I cannot fill it at the last minute. Thank you for your understanding.
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